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Mediaking_1's avatar
Level 1.6: Donut
2 months ago

requirements for provisioning an app on android 13

I have an app that I designed private for my company .... which gets permissions imei android ID block the use of factory restore unlock OEM unlock lock and unlock screen kiosk mode , and I install it by adb command and work perfect with all devices I have more than 170 devices made in this way and takes a lot of time , I would like to provision my app and placed as device owner through the QR the problem is that I do not know how to do it correctly try many things I saw on the internet , like for example the signed app get the sha256 from the apk and pass it to base64 make the json but I don't understand if I have to configure something else in the app for the provisioning I tried to scan a generated qr with everything correct and it didn't work it says contact your IT support for more information if someone can guide me it would be great, android 12+

a friend sent me some java and kt files for provisioning that worked for him, but for my app it doesn't work.

my app has no icon because I need to pass silently and already does but as I say the problem is that I do not know if I am missing a file or a specific configuration I am missing only this and I would be grateful if someone can help complete it or guide me, I saw options like google workspace but I could not modify the block screen to be customized, try with the api google managament android and also does not let you create the company by command then I'm desperate and do not know what to do

Thanks for read 

  • mattdermody's avatar
    Level 2.2: Froyo
    2 months ago

    I could be wrong about this so I'd like others to chime in as well but my understanding is that Google is pretty restrictive these days about letting anyone declare Device Owner privileges. They are pushing people away from Custom DPC bit by bit toward Cloud DPC and don't seem particularly keen or interested in letting new entrants leverage this approach without their approval. Even though you might be attempting to just leverage this approach for internal company devices Google might not allow it due to possible nefarious use of that dangerous elevated permission level or also because they generally pushing people toward Cloud DPC anyway. I think their argument might be you're better off using a purpose built EMM to achieve the goals you're looking for, otherwise you're reinventing the wheel a bit. That's at least how I understand things but I'd be curious to hear other perspectives.

    • Mediaking_1's avatar
      Level 1.6: Donut
      2 months ago

      If I see but in my case block access and unlock changing policies I do not see it feasible .. and system apps are hidden do you know any policy that allows free use of the device and Spanish language ? The configuration when scanning the QR ? Using the Google cloud api