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Level 2.0: Eclair
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Re: eSIM setup during device enrolment
As already mentioned in this thread, this is something that the OEM needs to implement by the looks of things. If I take an example for Zebra devices where they have StageNow which is configuration that are scannable. I have not tried it myself with eSIM but they seem to have a partial solution for it I know you are looking for something in regards to Samsung but maybe this can help you in the discussion with them.1.5KViews1like4CommentsRe: [Day 1] Community festival: Highlighting 3 great resources of information for the Android Enterprise community
For me personally the way I consume information depends on what type of information it is. Often more casual or not too deep technical information is good for podcasts or videos. When I need to really learn something technical I prefer written articles. What I really would like to see is more technical content for us nerds 😁 And discussion around upcoming features not just what they do but how they are built, configured and managed.933Views0likes0Comments[Day 1] Community festival: Highlighting 3 great resources of information for the Android Enterprise community
Hi Android Enterprise community ! As an IT professional with focus on securing and managing different types of devices for customers all over the world, its important to keep up with the changing landscape and be on top of whats going on in the different ecosystems that exist out there. In this post I want to highlight 3 things that I think has had the greatest impact for me and my customers and that I would recommend anyone working within this field to keep an eye on. Android Enterprise Community discussions highlights There have been a lot of great conversations in this community for the past year and I wanted to mention a few that stood out for me and the impact of the community. I'm a strong believer in that whats makes a great product is also the community around it. Being able to interact directly between users using the product, developers and Program Managers working on the product makes the product better. Android Enterprise Academy One of the best resources I've encountered in my path to learn and understand what Android Enterprise is from a conceptual perspective to more in-depth technical is without a doubt the free training and certificate program under Android Enterprise Academy. There are 3 levels of certification Associate Professional Expert I keep going back to the training from time to time when I need to refresh my memory and I can't say that about a lot of other trainings I've done through out my years. That to me shows how good the quality of the training is. For me who has in the past created a lot of training material and also taught technical classes its important to understand that people are different in how they learn and are able to process information and I find that the training offered here manage to address that with the confinement of online training. Developer documentation 3rd but not least, I want to highlight to the developer documentation. I'm an IT Professional but not a developer, however this has not stopped me from getting value from the developer documentation. When it comes to Android Enterprise I have found myself many times going to the developer documentation to understand certain features and in what version of Android they were introduced or trying to understand what is needed to use the features in troubleshooting purposes. Maybe there's a need to create a service request or Incident to your EMM or directly to Google, adding information that could help that points to the documentation is often valuable information that could expedite the handling of the ticket. Are there any discussion that stands out for you ? Or do you have any tips or great resources you want to share ? I want to give a special thanks to Lizzie for all the great work she does here and all the other community members that takes part in the discussions here. Timmy Andersson Device management expert & Freelance consultant Intune not adding PROVISIONING EXTRAS - Zero-Touch
Have you read the post I linked to above ? This will explain the situation and what you should do if you need to use DPC extra. Assuming you have the exact same scenario, its not a google issue. Its Microsoft Intune limitations for this specific feature. But you can use DPC extra with Intune if you just use the Zero touch portal with Intune.2.7KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Is there any way to disable Google Play Protect (GPP) from an EMM or to otherwise whitelist apps from scanning?
The app gets removed on the device because you have not added it as an "Android Enterprise System App". When you sideload apps you need to assign that to the device and if you don't it will get removed by the system. Cannot install intune
Your organisation have essentially 3 option for Android management when it comes to enrolling devices in to Intune and manage them. Device Administrator is one of them but that's not recommended to use and Microsoft is ending support for that in August of this year. Second and most common option is Android Enterprise, this however requires your device to support that management option. From a quick google search this device models does not seem to support Android Enterprise. Your IT department need to guide you here on how you should proceed.4.7KViews1like2CommentsRe: Intune not adding PROVISIONING EXTRAS - Zero-Touch
Hey, The "Link your zero-touch account to your EMM provider" from the Intune UI is not something I recommend anyone to use. A few years ago when it was first introduced In Intune I wrote an article on it here: the conclusion was that unless you are only using 1 profile for "Corporate-owned, fully managed user device" its pretty much useless. And it has to much knowledge not changed since then and that's often a sign that its no longer getting the love and attention from Microsoft which you also somewhat experienced in your support request. There is no need or requirement to use the "Link your zero-touch account to your EMM provider" from the Intune when working with Android Enterprise and Zero touch and I'll happy to point you in the right direction for things if there are certain specific scenarios you wish to cover. /Timmy3.8KViews2likes0CommentsRe: Can't add new administrator to AZT portal
I see the same behaviour and I'm a "owner" in the AZT portal. If my memory serves me correct, last time I was involved with adding users it was the reseller who invited the customer in to AZT that had to add new Administrators to the portal.2KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Can't add an approved managed play store app to the Intune app list
There are a few things to unpack here. As for the Home Screen, Authenticator, Intune and Company portal app they all comes as "default" when you configure and setup your Managed Google Play Account in Intune as per Microsofts own configuration and you will not be able to delete them from the App List in Intune. When you add / select new apps you want to show up in the App list you need to click on "sync" and once that's pressed it usually takes 1-2 minutes before it shows up in the App list. When you press "sync" you will also see this message appear in the Intune portal If you want to check and see when the last sync was performed you can go to Intune -> Tenant Administration -> Connector & Tokens -> Managed Google Play There you will find "Last sync" with Date/time. Once the app shows up in the App list you can assign it to a device or user, if you have not assigned the app it will not show up on the device or in company portal on the device.8.4KViews2likes1CommentRe: Can't add app to managed google play app collection (under ms Intune)
Thanks for posting it here Eirinn75 , the original conversion was started over at the Intune subreddit but to add some context to this as well, the problem occurs within the managed play iframe tagging Lizzie for visibility. Anyone else seeing issues with search in managed google play iframe when trying to create or edit collections?8.2KViews3likes0CommentsRe: Intune-Replace Google Account
Just to verify, are you looking under Devices -> Android -> Android Enrollment -> Managed Google Play ? or Tenant Administration -> Connectors and tokens -> Managed Google play ? My experience has been it should reflect pretty quickly but haven't tried this scenario lately. I can test it and see what happens.2.5KViews2likes0CommentsRe: Is there any way to disable Google Play Protect (GPP) from an EMM or to otherwise whitelist apps from scanning?
Out of curiosity, how do you distribute your internally developed apps. - Manually adding the .apk to the deviec and installing it ? - Uploaded it to the "Private app" section in Managed Google Play ? - Created a Google Play Developer account and made the app "Private" and distributed it through those channels to the organization ? Are you using any EMM for management of your devices ? Without knowing, my best guess would be that depending on how you distribute the app you might see different results.24KViews0likes1CommentRe: Android 14 & One UI 6 Removed Intune from device
I did an upgrade with a Galaxy Tab S9 the other day to Android 14 and One UI 6 that was managed by Intune and did not experience any issues at all. At this point I have not heard any specific problems around upgrading and Intune from any customer or Microsoft but I'll reach out if I do.5.4KViews1like0CommentsRe: What happens to a set up device when it is added to Android Zero Touch?
Correct, nothing happens to the device if its already been configured and is not running in the Out-of-box-experience (OOBE). Zero touch is just a service that points the device to the correct MDM solution (EEM provider) that you have configured in your Zero Touch profile and the device will only download that profile wduring OOBE. Zero touch is just a simple service just like Apples ADE or Microsofts Autopilot or Samsung KME.2.1KViews2likes0Comments