Forum Discussion
10 months agoGoogle Community Manager
Android zero-touch customer portal
Learn more about the changes to the new zero-touch customer portal
The new zero-touch customer portal has been designed to make it easier for you to manage your account. Here are some of the ke...
8 months agoGoogle Community Manager
Great, thanks for the extra context here Flo - this makes a lot of sense. I'll make sure these ideas are fed back to our Zero-touch product team.
Out of interest, if you had to prioritise any of these features which ones would make the most impact for you?
To add, if anyone else reading this topic would also find this feature request useful, please do let us know. It's always good to have additional thoughts/support on ideas.
Thanks so much.
8 months agoLevel 1.6: Donut
Hi Lizzie,
some of them we would also find usefull. In this order:
- Number of devices assigned to a profile
- See Logs / Assignment History
- Show IMEI2 Field (also Manufacturer)
- Filter or alphabetical sorting of configuration profiles when assigning to a device (see earlier post)
- Multiple assignment changes in GUI, not CSV.