Forum Discussion
Android zero-touch customer portal
Firstly, I really like the engagement from the Community Team on this post - it's actually quite refreshing when compared to the rest of our Microsoft Infrastructure!
Requests for this portal, in order of preference:
Admins and Owners should be able to opt-in to receive email notifications when a device is added by a reseller. This notification should include the device IMEI or serial, order number (if applicable), the name of the applied configuration (extra helpful if you guys implement the per-reseller configuration application), and the reseller name.
Additionally, when attempting to invite additional admins, if the admin doesn't yet have a Google account, you get a the error: 'An unexpected error has occurred. Try again later.' - this could be much more specific!
This would help align the Zero Touch portal with similar market offerings (such as Apple's Business Manager).
Hey SimonW,
Lovely to meet you, welcome to the community and thanks for your great feedback.
There some good ideas here, out of interest regarding the notifications, I know you mention email notifications, would you prefer it to come via email rather than in the portal? Or ideally both?
Thanks also for highlighting the error message, I actually mentioned this to the Zero-touch team the other day (I had a German version of it that another community member shared) and I agree more guidance would be helpful here. I'll check in with them as I think they were keen to update this.
Thanks again, looking forward to speaking more.