Forum Discussion

govi's avatar
Level 2.0: Eclair
7 months ago

Android Enterprise Recommended and Supported OS version for BYOD device with Work Profile?.

Dear Team,




we would like to know the recommended and supported OS version for BYOD device with Android Enterprise work profile ?.  share your views. as microsoft is moving towards supporting only iOS16.0, like this Android is having any new approach on OS perspective ?.

  • jasonbayton's avatar
    Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
    7 months ago

    Android enterprise is supported down to 5.0, but 5.x-6.x no longer receive Google play services support, so we can assume they're end of life. 


    Generally you should be aiming to remain within security update support, so N-3 - Android 12-14. Exceptions apply, so if devices are receiving SPL updates it's fair to assume they're ok for continued use. 


    Google doesn't mandate any particular line in the sand, but they'll echo the security posture recommendations above

    • govi's avatar
      Level 2.0: Eclair
      7 months ago

      thanks for your From Q4 we are planning to apply N-2 approach for Android (15,14,13) and devices with security patches < 365 days. Other parameters we don't want to consider due to legacy OS and lower security patches.