Forum Discussion

sambenenge's avatar
Level 1.5: Cupcake
21 hours ago

Intune Migrate EMM Bind Account to Workspace for Additional Admins

I have a customer as follows:


  • EMM is Intune
  • EMM Bind account is a standard Gmail account, but uses their corporate email domain.  This Gmail account was setup before they became a Google Workspace customer
  • They now also use GWS for ChromeOS management

If I try to add a Google Managed Play admin using their corporate email domain, then I get a message telling me that G-Suite accounts can not be used.


How do we migrate their existing Bind account to a GWS account so that it can be properly managed?

  • jasonbayton's avatar
    Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
    12 hours ago

    E: double post I can't delete.

  • jasonbayton's avatar
    Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
    12 hours ago

    It'll soon be possible to migrate managed Google Play enterprises to managed Google domains. The API already has the endpoints present, but it's not yet - as far as I can see - functional.


    I shan't imagine it'll be more than a few weeks now!

  • jeremy's avatar
    Level 3.0: Honeycomb
    17 hours ago


    This is currently not available but reach out to Intune support they might be able to offer a solution. 
    Lizziecan you share more details about this request?