Forum Discussion

timstr's avatar
Level 1.6: Donut
2 years ago

Managed Google Play account issue


A customer reached out to us, after they received an e-mail from Google regarding the account which was used for creating the managed Google Play Store binding/token in Intune. Google informed the customer this Google account was deleted due to Terms of  Service violations. Since this Google account is used for the Managed Google Play binding/token this issue has quite some impact for the customer. The customer reached out to (let’s say) Google first line support but ended up with nothing so far. Besides the e-mail notification about the account deletion the same e-mail suggests to start an account recovery wizard, but this is an dead end, since the customer ends up with: ’Google doesn't provide another way to sign in to this account’.

My question is twofold:
-Is there any way left to restore the account?
-Is it possible to get informed what the actual Terms of Service violation of this account is/was?


  • jasonbayton's avatar
    Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
    2 years ago

    This is a tricky one and Google is not easy to engage with for resolving it because it goes through consumer recovery.


    Do you have access to AE partner portal? If so, you can submit a ticket there and at minimum Google can assign another account to the bind (as long as it isn't deleted also) for continued management. The can also escalate reinstatement for the account with the consumer team. cc Lizzie for help

  • Lizzie's avatar
    Google Community Manager
    2 years ago

    Hey timstr,


    Great to meet you and welcome to the community. 


    There are a couple of things here. If the account was deleted within 30 days it might be possible to rebind to a new account, which would save a lot of time here for your customer. 


    As Jason mentions, do you have access to the Android Enterprise Partner Portal to raise a support ticket? 


    Speak to you soon.





    (Thanks for @ mention jasonbayton)

  • timstr's avatar
    Level 1.6: Donut
    2 years ago

    Lizzie I think I have access to the partner, but I need to check whether I have access myself. The e-mail about the account deletion was sent to the customer on January the 8th, so let's hope a rebind is still an option.

    jasonbayton thanks!

    • Lizzie's avatar
      Google Community Manager
      2 years ago

      Hey timstr,


      Just wanted to check if you have managed to put a ticket in? Let me know if not and we can explore other options. 😀 




  • timstr's avatar
    Level 1.6: Donut
    2 years ago

    Hi Lizzie,

    Thank you for your message, I was able to submit a case through the AE partner portal. We were told yesterday the case was escalated to the Engineering Team. We are now waiting on their reply.
    Just had one question, not sure if I can ask it to you, but are there any downsides we should be aware of binding the token to a new account? The is the first time on of our customers reported such an issue, so we are not well aware of any side effects.
    Thank you.

    Kind regards,


    • Lizzie's avatar
      Google Community Manager
      2 years ago

      Thanks for the update and for sending over the details timstr. I believe you should hear back soon on this. 


      In regards to your question, I'm not aware of any downsides, I know another community member recently had to also rebind to a new account and it was successful. If you have any concerns please do follow up with the team via your portal ticket though. 


      I'll continue to follow this internally. 🤞


      Speak to you soon.


  • timstr's avatar
    Level 1.6: Donut
    2 years ago

    Lizzie in the mean time the Engineering team was able to bind another Google account to the token and from an Intune perspective everything started working again, so I couldn't see any downsides as well. Thank you again, and jasonbayton as well.


    Kind regards,




    • Lizzie's avatar
      Google Community Manager
      2 years ago

      Fantastic news, I'm so pleased to hear this and that your customer isn't impacted. This is a great Friday! 😀


      It's been lovely to meet you, hope to speak with you again. 

