Forum Discussion

sambenenge's avatar
Level 1.5: Cupcake
19 hours ago

Intune Migrate EMM Bind Account to Workspace for Additional Admins

I have a customer as follows:


  • EMM is Intune
  • EMM Bind account is a standard Gmail account, but uses their corporate email domain.  This Gmail account was setup before they became a Google Workspace customer
  • They now also use GWS for ChromeOS management

If I try to add a Google Managed Play admin using their corporate email domain, then I get a message telling me that G-Suite accounts can not be used.


How do we migrate their existing Bind account to a GWS account so that it can be properly managed?

  • jeremy's avatar
    Level 3.0: Honeycomb
    14 hours ago


    This is currently not available but reach out to Intune support they might be able to offer a solution. 
    Lizziecan you share more details about this request? 

  • jasonbayton's avatar
    Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
    9 hours ago

    It'll soon be possible to migrate managed Google Play enterprises to managed Google domains. The API already has the endpoints present, but it's not yet - as far as I can see - functional.


    I shan't imagine it'll be more than a few weeks now!

  • jasonbayton's avatar
    Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
    9 hours ago

    E: double post I can't delete.