Forum Discussion
Is there a way to force users to reset passcode without admin needing to give a temporary password.
- 2 years ago
Okay thank you. We will go ahead with the following approach.
1. Set Password Policy
2. Set Policy enforcement rule for `passwordRequirement` with blockAction set to 0 days.3. Send Reset password command with empty/static password which is not compliant with passwordRequirement.
That should block the user until they reset password.
Combine it with the password requirements in-policy and users will be asked to set up a new password shortly after it's wiped.
Hey Jason, I'm running into some issues when trying this out. I'm able to reset password with or without input initially. But once the password restriction is setup in the policy. The reset command fails with any password that is not compliant with the password restriction(even empty password doesnt go through).
After this any RESET_PASSWORD command i send (even compliant one) doesn't go through. When I do the GET operation command i get a response without the `done` or the `error` fields.
"name": "enterprises/LC02otg***/devices/3e4aa95e4274***/operations/1701193847359",
"metadata": {
"@type": "",
"createTime": "2023-11-28T17:50:47.359Z",
"duration": "600s",
"newPassword": "222222",
"resetPasswordFlags": [
"userName": "enterprises/LC02ot***/users/107504099415296****"
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