Android Kiosks mode app restrict the system update installation.

Level 2.0: Eclair

I have an enterprise application with Kiosk mode. Android system update is downloading new android update(Like android 14 pending update) and ready for installation but did not install because my app is top of the system. I have configured my device policy to automatic update but system always postponed the update.  My device is user admin.

1. How can I force system to install the update without notifying the user? 


Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

If your EMM supports it, create a windowed system update policy. During these hours it will force the device out of kiosk to install

Level 2.0: Eclair

Looks like that windowed time not allowed me to install update. I have set window time 12-14 (720-840). Almost 1 hour past not yet started updating or getting out from kiosk mode. 


Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Review logs (bug report) to see what it's doing. 12-14 is OK, you could extend it another 2 hours for good measure. 

Level 2.0: Eclair

@jasonbayton I put my device with window mode for 23 hours, But did not help to get update. One thing I would like to inform you that my device is continuously connected with my backend server to update the device is alive(Every minute a network communication is establish).  Is there any issue for this activity that device never been idle and never get updated. 


Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

I've observed issues with windows set more than ~4 hours in total, certainly 23 may not be effective. 


Try a 4 hour window and capture logs to see what it's doing. During the window it doesn't matter if the device isn't idle, it's expected to be forced to update 

Level 2.0: Eclair

I observe a behaviour of my device, device showing a notification device will automatically update like 12.15. Unfortunately, device not able to auto update and updated the notification with time 12.45 is new update time. Looks like device tries to install because I saw a notification that ready to install. 
Notification Image IMG_20240416_140444.jpgSystem notification 

Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Indeed that looks like policy isn't applying. Get a bug report please and we can confirm easily. 

Level 2.0: Eclair

How can I make a bug report? @jasonbayton 

Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Here's a doc  🙂

For Samsung devices, I can also recommended SysDump if you primarily want to analyze the dumpstate log. 😃

The content is bit different to the regular bug report, but you can access the dumpstate log even if the developer options are completely blocked.