Enterprise Play service/Managed Google Play support

Level 1.6: Donut

Hey! Does Google offer paid enterprise support for issues related to Google Accounts getting deleted or suspended? We have fixed the issue now, but it took much longer than expected and causes issues in enterprise setups. 


Level 3.0: Honeycomb



Unfortunately no, but your EMM might offer premium support and they are usually better equipped and connected to handle these support request,

However a Google Account is like a regular Google Account so everything about the support for these account is public.



Yes, we did try many different avenues to get this resolved but the EMMs and Device hardware partners did not help much. It would be good if there was a way for enterprise customers to reach and talk to Google directly about this as, it has a big domino effect when these accounts are deleted or suspended without notice. 

Level 3.0: Honeycomb

EMM and Device Hardware partners are equipped to do troubleshooting and they are the one able to escalate to Google if they cannot solve the issue on their own. Your EMM or hardware partner will escalate to Google if they fix the issue you're encountering