Forum Discussion

vaibhavmathur80's avatar
Level 1.5: Cupcake
2 months ago

How can I become Enter the Android Enterprise EMM community and become Android Enterprise Partner?

I submitted my application for Android Enterprise Mobile Management for my company, but it was rejected. Please help me understand the reasons for this rejection, or assist me in obtaining approval. Alternatively, let me know the requirements for that.
  • Alex_Muc's avatar
    Level 2.3: Gingerbread
    2 months ago

    The reasons for a rejected application to the Partner Program can probably only be answered directly by Google. Maybe the requirements for the desired partner type are not met in the application.


    There are several partner types in the Partner Program. (OEMs, EMMs, Resellers, etc.)

    The requirements for each partner type can be found here:

  • Lizzie's avatar
    Google Community Manager
    2 months ago

    Thanks Alex_Muc for sharing this here. 


    Hey vaibhavmathur80,


    As Alex mentioned, it would probably be best to speak directly with the Partner Program team regarding your application. If you haven't already messaged them, here is the direct email:


    All the best with this. 





    P.S - as you post is publicly visible, for privacy reasons I would recommend removing your personal information from your post footer. Let me know if you need any help with this. Thank you