Forum Discussion

TomasC's avatar
Level 1.6: Donut
8 months ago

Unwanted devices registered in Zero Touch - how to see which reseller added them ?

Hi, we are working with multiple resellers across the globe. These days, we had an issue, where some of the Zebra devices were registered to Zero touch, which ended in restart-loop, because they are ...
  • Moombas's avatar
    8 months ago

    First of all, where is the problem having devices in ZT and in Soti? We use Soti as MDM as well and use ZTE without any issues. So, devices in Soti can be for sure in ZTP as well (and if you use ZTE they should stay there).

    So what's the real issue here?


    And if you export your devices as CSV from ZTP you can see in the csv which reseller uploaded which devices and which order number belongs to it.