Forum Discussion
Upgrade to enterprise
How to upgrade from personal to business customer and acquire devices with enterprise
- MoombasLevel 4.1: Jelly Bean2 years ago
I'm not sure how to understand your question correctly.
There's no "upgrade" and every Android device is possible to use (in general) as an enterpise device and you can buy any device you want. I recommend to buy devices which are Enterprise recommended as a company which can be found here:
Here's a general guide for "starting with enterprise":
- LizzieGoogle Community Manager2 years ago
Hello nyssa,
Welcome to the Customer Community. It's fantastic to hear you are interesting in Android Enterprise.
If you could provide a little more information on what you are trying to do we can provide more information to help you in the right direction. It sounds like you are looking to use Android in an Enterprise capacity and are also looking for devices? Is this the start of your research journey and is there anything specific you are looking to know more on?
Moombas has shared some useful links with you, the first one links to our Solutions Directory where you can compare different devices, solutions and partners to meet your specific needs.
Thanks so much,
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