Forum Discussion

ZeroTouchNils's avatar
Level 1.6: Donut
5 months ago

ZeroTouch Portal adjust the Customer Details like Company name

Hello Community, i have a quick question. Our company just adjusted there Company name and we have to adjust our current customer details ("Customer Name") in the Zero-Touch Portal. How/or is it poss...
  • Lizzie's avatar
    5 months ago

    Hello ZeroTouchNils,


    Nice to meet you. 


    Yes, your 'Customer name' can be updated in the zero-touch customer portal. This does need to be carried out by the Android Enterprise team though. The quickest way to do this, as they have your details, is to ask your reseller to put a ticket in with our team to update your new name. 😀


    If you have any difficulties let me know and I will raise this on my side. 


    It would be great to hear how you get on. 

