Android Enterprise Customer Community Terms of Service

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

In addition to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, the following additional terms and any other Community guidelines we may publish apply to your use of the Community site. We reserve the right to change these terms at any point in our effort to keep the Community site helpful, user-friendly, and safe. We may limit or restrict your participation in the Community site at our discretion.

Account Usage and Content Sharing

You understand that Google may create a customized experience for your account across the Community site. In addition, your information may be used to determine your eligibility for programs. 


You have the option to apply or upload a community profile photo which is editable in your Community Settings. This photo avatar will appear in places such as your community profile and on posts you may create in the community. During the community registration you will be asked to select a relevant ‘Job Role’ type. For all roles your username and photo avatar (as noted above) will be publicly visible. If you selected ‘IT Admin/Owner’, the EMM type you selected will be publicly visible. If you wish to update your EMM type, this is editable in your Community Settings. 

Other information provided in community registration; ‘Company Name’, ‘Company Size’ and ‘Android Enterprise Organization ID (if applicable)’ are not publicly visible and only visible to Google’s Community Admin Team. These fields are editable in your Community Settings. 

And, if you choose to post content, that content will be visible to the general public. 

If you would like to close your Android Enterprise Customer Community account, you can click ‘Close Account’ in your Community Settings or contact your Community Manager. When you close your community account, it will be deleted. Please note the content you have posted will remain in the community.


Intellectual Property

By submitting content, images, and ideas on this site, you give Google the right to use them freely without compensation and for any purpose, including to improve Google products and services. You agree that Google has no obligation to use any idea you submit or post in any Google product, service or web site. You agree to not submit any material that is copyrighted or subject to third party proprietary rights or that violates any third party rights. Please read the Google Terms of Service for more information.


Data of Others 

You agree that if you disclose any personal data related to another individual and  associated company details to Google (such as those of a customer or your associated company’s employee), you will procure the appropriate consents from such individual  and/or the company’s representatives, as applicable, to use such data to operate the Customer Community.


Content Policy

You will not:

  • Post any confidential, personal, or sensitive information to the Community site;
  • Post any abusive, obscene, illegal, or deceptive content to the Community site; 
  • Threaten, bully, or harass other users of the Community site; or 
  • Advertising or spam information to the Community site

If you see content that violates these policies or would otherwise like to make a request regarding content or information on the Community site, please report the content via the ‘Report inappropriate content’ button on all posts which will flag it to the Community Team. In response to a report of inappropriate content or as part of our other review processes, we may review content on the site and take action if it violates these policies, including restricting access to the content, removing the content, and limiting or terminating a user’s access to the site.



By using this site, you may periodically receive, via email, important service and business related information from Google. 

You will automatically receive email notifications from the Customer Community about activity on the community site, you can control these in the ‘My Settings’ area which is accessed from the menu in the top-right corner of each page.

In addition, if you click on “Subscribe” on a specific board or topic , you will receive notifications regarding the user’s activity in the community.



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