Forum Posts

Resolved! byod - How to block debugging function?

I'm developing a BYOD workplace profile, and one of the required features in the functional specification is as follows:"2.7.2. Debugging features must be blocked. This subfeature is supported by default."I'm trying to implement this feature, and in ...

gy by Level 1.6: Donut
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Work Profile Password Complexity affects Personal Space device password that unlocks the device : Intune

Hi,Personally owned devices with a work profile running on Android 12 and above devices today, we are over controlling their personal space by demanding complex password setup.there are two passwords affected by this Password complexity setting in In...

govi by Level 2.0: Eclair
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Resolved! Can you skip network connection in Android Enterprise Edition?

Hello community,We have Samsung XCover6 Pro Enterprise Edition sent to customer in May this year. (Android v.12)They have started the phone and then didn't enroll it. They have just started the phone and put it on the shelf and battery has died and n...

Arifn by Level 2.0: Eclair
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Resolved! Does Android devices lose contact with Google ZTE portal if they are not activated or they do not report back after x number of days? Is there a policy for that?

So we have some Android devices that are imported to ZTE and then sent to the customers but the customers didn't enroll the devices immediately. They have inactive and turned off for 5 months. After 5 month when they start the device and connect to t...

Arifn by Level 2.0: Eclair
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Resolved! Need Help with Android Enterprise Location Fetching Issue

Hello  Android Enterprise Community, I'm reaching out to seek assistance with a location-related issue I'm currently facing. I've been struggling to fetch location information on a device, even after applying the following policy settings: "locationM...

Widgets on COPE - MS Intune

Hey,Unfortunately there are no settings and/or no chance configure Widgets on COPE in MS Intune. There is specific setting in Intune restrictions config profile to allow/disallow Widgets for BYOD method.Is this problem tied only MS Intune or is this ...