Forum Posts

Managed Play Store apps not showing

Hi Lizzie I am seeing this exact problem now.  I have added a number of apps to our managed Google Play store but some users cannot see all of the apps assigned to them -- of 4 apps added last night, some users see all 4, some only see 3, a few see o...

TedLaidlaw by Level 1.5: Cupcake
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Managed Google Play account does not exist

When trying to login to managed google play with the account link to our intune, Google says the account does not exist. So it is not possible to troubleshoot why some application are not syncing to intune.the sync seems to work fine, but new webapps...

NVNuyts by Level 1.5: Cupcake
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can't upload the apk

i am trying to publish the apk but i get this error message : (can't publish app try again in a few minutes) any suggestion please to solve this issue ?  

NetwaysSpm by Level 1.5: Cupcake
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Enabling Location Accuracy via EMM

Hi, Does anyone know whether or not it should be possible to turn location accuracy (within location services) on via EMM on a Fully Managed device? Or is it a decision placed in the hands of the user for privacy reasons? We use WS1 - there is a "hig...