Forum Discussion
Longer Review Times for Private Apps in Managed Google Play
- 5 months ago
Hello petterfoo, jasonbayton, Flo, BenMcc,
Happy Friday! Hope you've had a good week.
I have an update on this, the potential fix has been implemented now. 🎉 Would you mind checking the next time you send a private apps for approval whether this has improved and let me know please?
Thanks so much for your help and have a great weekend.
I see them hovering generally around 10 mins, which has been pretty consistent for as long as I can remember. Webapps are a little faster but not by much.
That said, Lizzie are you aware of anything internally to cause this?
- petterfoo6 months agoLevel 2.0: Eclair
For the permanently private apps we have had no review times at all since permanently private apps was enabled in the play console early 2021.
I have checked with some other app teams in our organisation and the experience the same thing.
We use a developer account per team and publish to our organisation(WS1 EMM), we don't use the iframe for apps.- jasonbayton6 months agoLevel 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
The thing is they do get reviewed for some very basic security checks, so if checks are generally increasing, which could be architectural as well as process/procedural, it'll affect everyone. Lizzie ?
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