Forum Discussion

YMusaoglu's avatar
Level 1.5: Cupcake
8 months ago

Problems with login



we have multiple google Accounts. Our Main-Account for Zero Touch churned to  Alternative Account after renewing the Zero Touch Portal. When we now login to the Zero-Touch Portal we can't see andy devices. How can we fix the alternativ Account to a Main Account again! 




  • Moombas's avatar
    Level 4.1: Jelly Bean
    8 months ago

    I assume with main account you mean "owner". You can only assign an account being an owner with another owner account.

  • DineshkumarB's avatar
    Level 1.5: Cupcake
    8 months ago

    HI YMusaoglu 


    If you have lost your owner/admin access to the account[Email]. Please write a mail to the ae community and register as a case to get it solved by providing the required details.