Forum Discussion
[Community tips] What to consider when choosing an enterprise mobility management solution?
Some really interesting points here, specifically around Fully Managed mattdermody - thanks for sharing.
Out of interest would you recommend these points to think about in all Fully Managed use cases ie. for all industries or number of devices?
In advance to what mattdermody wrote and maybe will answer later on your question 🙂 i want to bring one thing up here:
It's always a shame that EMM apps on a fully mangaged device don't get full access (and with that also not being able to grant such access to defined apps and so on) but with each Android version also getting more and more limited as same as apps on a consumer device which is often a pain for managing mobile devices. (again: not talking about BYOD and partially COPE)
- mattdermody10 months agoLevel 2.2: Froyo
Completely agree! Device Owner DPCs should have read/write access to other apps scoped storage. It's a fully managed device, owned by a company and not a personal individual so we should not have such a consumer protection feature in place. Similarly agents should be able to grant dangerous permissions silently without manual interaction from the end user. I don't understand manual user granting of run time permissions on shared fleets of devices. If you're arguing that the end user should know about the permission before using the app (they shouldn't) then what about the other 20 users that may us the same device that didn't grant the permission? And please don't get any ideas of having run time permissions prompted every time a new user picks up a shared device.
- RickB10 months agoLevel 1.6: Donut
COMPLETELY AGREE +100... fully managed is nowhere near fully managed. We can control maybe 1% of device settings. On a fully managed device this should be 100% of settings. Android is becoming more useless for enterprise with every new update.
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