Forum Discussion

Moombas's avatar
Level 4.1: Jelly Bean
2 years ago

Feature Requests to Google?


does anyone know if there's a possibility to place a feature request to Google regarding Zero-Touch-Portal?
I wanted to ask if there's plaanned at any point to provide possibility to implement AD authentication to the portal.

  • jasonbayton's avatar
    Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
    2 years ago

    Just tag Lizzie πŸ™‚

    It would be a great idea to implement a uservoice style FR page here though. Even a dedicated forum where kudos rank priority

  • Lizzie's avatar
    Google Community Manager
    2 years ago

    Hey Moombas,

    I love a feature request! πŸ˜€

    Would you mind sharing a little more context on what you would like to do and ideally how it would be presented? 

    Also, if anyone else would find this useful please do add your thoughts too/give it a kudo. 

    Thanks so much,


  • Moombas's avatar
    Level 4.1: Jelly Bean
    2 years ago

    Not sure Lizzie if your question is pointing to my FR or to the functionality to raise one.
    Regarding FR in general:
    It could be like jasonbayton mentioned a different part in the community where all can write comments and rate FR's or something like a "ticket based" FR mask which will only send such requests to someone at Google who can look at this and talk to the requesting person. (Or a mix of both, so relevant FR's are posted and community asked for feedback as well to get some sort of rating for it)

    Regarding my FR:
    As said, especially in our case we would like to have the possibility to have an Active Directory connection to Zero-Touch portal whith which we can manage the access of users to the Zero-Touch portal which is way more secure than a local user because we don't get notifications about every user leaving/joining the company (or switching position) who should loose or get access to the portal. 
    While people who need access are raising that, the other way often not happens but the AD users are handled by HR which means in that case on such changes to employees the access will change immediatelly.

    • Lizzie's avatar
      Google Community Manager
      2 years ago

      Thanks Moombas for the extra detail on both of sides of the FR. πŸ˜€

      On your first point: I'd personally love us to get to the point where we implement a dedicated area for feature requests/ideas and it's definitely something that I have some thoughts on. Obviously, to make it an impactful place we need to ensure that others using Android in a work capacity use it and would like this area and also that we have the backend processes across the team in place to deliver to our community. So there is quite a bit of thinking that needs to go into it, but if we can get the support for this then I think it could be fantastic. What do you think? 

      Secondly on your actual FR: really interesting to hear your use case here, thanks for this. I'll provide this feature request as feedback to the team internally, also if I learn of any workarounds or suggestion I'll definitely update you. Also, if anyone else would like to see this, please do share. 

      Thanks again, 


      • Moombas's avatar
        Level 4.1: Jelly Bean
        2 years ago

        I agree and feel free to contact me if there are questions regarding why we would need that or so.