Forum Discussion
Intune COPE Device - Google Calendar crashes
any idea how we could address this to microsoft? any chance to get logs from google calendar itself? i want to start making pressure in direction of microsoft to fix this asap.
The problem you may run into with MS is, that they point to Google as they are the provider of the calendar app but you may need to get both together. I would at least recommend to you to raise a ticket at MS and maybe ask ReeceK or Lizzie if they can provide maybe some kind of internal contact to help you if MS tries to point to Google.
Btw.: Why not just using the calendar function already integrated in Outlook?
- w4lter8 months agoLevel 2.0: Eclair
serval reasons...
-) people want to have a "Week" view, Outlook just provides 3-Day View (please, dont ask, you know, there are always some special ppl)
-) connect personal calendar -> work calender together -> this is it seems broken with outlook at the moment. outlook just crashes. we wanted to mitigate this with google calendar.
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