The customer reported to us a problem with contact SMS which is not displayed on the personal side (only the numbers are displayed but not the names of the contacts)

Level 1.5: Cupcake

The customer reported an issue to us: on the personal part of his phones, business contacts are no longer displayed across his entire fleet when users receive SMS from business and personal contacts (only numbers appear, without contact names).

By default, Samsung phones use the rich Google Messages application, as well as Textra, which are both impacted. This issue does not occur with Samsung's SMS application. We have tested on our side (Orange), and business contacts and numbers are displayed on the personal part. We have also tested with the customer, but it works randomly.

Please take the necessary action.


Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hello @ROVI,


Nice to meet you. Thanks for highlighting this. 


Just to check do you have access to our Partner Portal? 




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