Forum Discussion

pkiman's avatar
Level 1.5: Cupcake
2 years ago

Android Enterprise BYOD Wifi Profile - disable auto-connect not working

Hi all,


Been dealing with this issue for Android devices. We're implementing EAP-TLS for an enterprise wifi. Devices are connected to the network. But one thing that brought attention to us is how the android devices keeps on re-enabling the auto connect setting on a device level. That means, devices will auto join the network even without user's consent. We tried using the built-in template in intune but the option there for Connect automatically is not given. We pulled the diagnostics logs from company portal app and we can see that the wifi profile is actually set to <connectionMode>manual</connectionMode>. 


We also tried creating a custom wifi profile, uploaded the xml with <connectionMode>manual</connectionMode> but the device keeps re-enabling the auto connect setting. 


I'm 100% sure this is not an intune issue because the profiles are pulled down with the correct parameters to set connection mode to manual but please tell me if I'm wrong and if you guys could lead me to proper direction on how to resolve this, I'd really appreciate it.

  • jeremy's avatar
    Level 3.0: Honeycomb
    2 years ago


    You should open a support ticket with Intune, they are the only one who could check if the provide the correct value to your devices. If this is not the case, they can investigate and escalate to Google.


    Someone in the community might be using this feature and let you know if this works or not, but the fastest way would be through Intune support team.

  • weberda's avatar
    Level 2.0: Eclair
    12 months ago

    Hi pkiman 

    on our side we had the issue the other way around. Our devices did not connect automatically to our hidden EAP-TLS wifi network and we raised a case with MS.


    We then were pointed to the case that Intune Admin UI does not have an UI element for "connectAutomatically". We were advised to change a value in the JSON representation of the WiFi profile via Graph API.


    Maybe you can look into the Graph API values either by using the developer tools when navigating through the Intune Admin Portal or by making the GET calls by yourself.


    ... stripped values from our profiles:

    "connectAutomatically": true,
    "connectWhenNetworkNameIsHidden": true,
    "wiFiSecurityType": "wpaEnterprise",
    "eapType": "eapTls",


  • govi's avatar
    Level 2.0: Eclair
    2 months ago

    Hi , i would like to know more about this for my personal interest ?. Enabling the WIFI in work profile will make whole device to connect to corporate WiFi ?. I would like to know more from you about the RISK for enabling this on BYOD device ?. For what requirement this considered ? Alternative to VPN on Office premises ?