Forum Discussion

TReinhold's avatar
Level 1.6: Donut
5 months ago

Configuration missing in ZTP

Hi,   I have logged in today to the Google Zero Touch portal and it looks like all configurations, devices and resellers are gone now. This needs to be fixed asap as we are standing close to a mas...
  • TReinhold's avatar
    5 months ago

    Hi Lizzie, thanks very much. It seems the problem has been resolved meanwhile.

    Don't know why I haven't seen this in the first place, but it seems this apparent "search field" is in fact a selection field for the client instance...

    When I selected this, the missing information was visible again.

    Sorry for putting this here, but I am glad it is working again now.

    Thanks for being supportive, this call can be closed from my side.

    Best regards, Tobias