What's your favourite Android product feature?

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hello everyone,

I don't want to start getting a reputation for asking tricky questions, (check out my last question here), so today I thought I would broaden it out a little! 😃

Most people who have found there way to our community here are using Android (in a huge variety of ways) and so I wanted to ask you what's your favourite feature? This could be Android Enterprise/work specific or Android in general (feel free to add two if you can't decide). 

I'll go first and I'm going to add two!

1. Android Enterprise: I'm going to say the Work profile feature on my BYOD. I'm still working out the best work/life balance, but having the option to pause my work apps and then turn them back on as soon as I need them, extremely handy. Especially if I'm dashing for a train and I leave an open question on my gchat function to a colleague, I can easily carry that on! 

2. Android: I'm a big fan of music, so I'm going to say the ability to identify a song! Gone are the days where you need to hum to your friend to find out what a song is (although you can still do that if you want). 🎧

What are your favourite product features? Please click 'reply' and share your thoughts below.

Thank you,


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Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

From my end, it's really the "account synchronization" between browser, playstore and so on syncing apps/passwords etc. to every device where i need it, making the usage most effective.

Just one word regarding work/life balance: I keep it strictly splitted, no work app on private device and only call able or answering work messages outside of working hours when it's really needed (broken system and similar) and can't wait. Having a work account on my private device would break this clear split. So, best work/life balance (in my opinion) is to have it striclty splitted.

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Thanks @Moombas for your response. I hope you are having a good day. 

I think 'account synchronisation' can be easily underrated as a feature, so totally agree with you there. You mention that this has made the 'usage most effective'. Would love to hear a little more about this if you don't mind sharing?

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Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Yes for sure.

But i think in general it should be clear. So if i get a new phone or PC i can "just login" and have all apps and logins available again.

Also you don't need some external password tool etc. to setup everytime and in combination with autofill it's making work efficient, keeping head free to remember every single password.

In enterprise i think managed app config has avery big value if app provides it and very often is missing even it would make things way easier.