Forum Posts

Bluetooth bonding behaviour, when kioskCustomization.deviceSettings is set to SETTINGS_ACCESS_BLOCKED in android management policy

Hey guys I have developed an app which can turn on and turn off bluetooth as well as change some sound settings of the device. Toggling the bluetooth setting to on / off works fine, as does the different sound settings. The weird behaviour shows up w...

Andeo by Level 1.5: Cupcake
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work profile pictures and contacts mix not work

hi, i manage androind devices by Microsoft intune. From device restrictions policy "Data sharing between work and personal profiles " - setting i choose "No restrictions on sharing" but still contact's or pictures are separated and there is no way to...

jma82 by Level 1.5: Cupcake
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No information about uploaded devices

There is no information about uploaded devices by the reseller.We purchased devices in couple parts.It would be great if we could see when, how many and from which reseller the devices were added to zero-touch.Also it seems that there are few devices...

Marek by Level 1.5: Cupcake
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Audio management in Android Enterprise

From the feature list in Android Enterprise from, I want to discuss the feature 4.25.2. IT admins can prevent users from modifying device volume settings (go to a...

Rakib by Level 2.0: Eclair
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Android Enterprise App developer change

where is a unique bundle ID, eg com.myapp.somethin. The developer will be changed, so the app will be signed with the same developer but with a different account with exactly the same bundle id.Once the application will be moved to developer A to dev...

Srikanth by Level 1.6: Donut
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Already Connected

On the zero touch iframe page, it says that the account is already Connected, so the connection is not possible.Where can I check the currently connected account so i can make change of it?

extrus by Level 1.5: Cupcake
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Android CPU Runtime and Battery Consumption

There is an Android app (I created). I just want to create two GRAPHS with CPU Runtime and Battery Consumption. It is as simple as this. 1. I tried with Android Studio Profiler. But from .trace file I am not sure how to generate the graph. 2. Are the...