Forum Discussion
[FIXED] Service Announcement: Available work apps missing in Managed Play Store on device
Updated 12th October, 2023
Current status: Fix implemented
Issue description: We've received multiple reports that some approved apps are not displayed in the Managed Play store on devices.
Latest update:
Hello everyone,
Thank you for your patience and for your help to identify the problem. I've been informed by our Engineering Team that a fix has been implemented and those apps not displaying should now be visible. If you experienced this issue, please can I ask you to check if this has been resolved on your side?
Massive thanks,
Android Enterprise Customer Community Team
Previous update:
Current status: Under investigation
We've received multiple reports that some approved apps are not displayed in the Managed Play store on devices.
Our Engineering Team is aware of the issue and actively working on a fix to address this. Unfortunately, they don't have an estimated time for when the issue will be resolved. We will continue to monitor this.
Please comment on this post or if you are a Partner please create a support ticket via the Partner Portal, if you have similar reports or have any questions/feedback.
Thank you for your patience on this.
Android Enterprise Customer Community Team
(Big thanks to matsm and TomMuc for reporting this in the community)
- 8 months ago
Hello everyone,
Just closing this thread now as this has been resolved and I want to prevent any potential confusion. If you are experiencing something similar, please explore the rest of the community to see if this is already been mentioned or please do create a new post here in the community.
Thanks so much,
- Alex_MucLevel 2.3: Gingerbread2 years ago
Is the engineering team able to reproduce the problem?
I could provide bugreports where different services were set to verbose. - LizzieGoogle Community Manager2 years ago
Hello everyone,
I've just updated the status on this above, keep me posted how this is looking on your side.
Many thanks,
- Alex_MucLevel 2.3: Gingerbread2 years ago
On my test devices, only 7 apps from the collection were displayed during the error period.
Since the fix was implemented, all devices are loading the full collection in Managed Google Play again. One of the devices only updated the collection after a force stop Google Play, although this would probably have resolved itself after some time.Many thanks for the quick fix!
- matsmLevel 2.0: Eclair2 years ago
Unfortunately on my test device the applications are still not visible.
Installed all available updates.
Force stopped and cleared Play data
Factory reset the device
Play Store version:
- TomMucLevel 1.6: Donut2 years ago
The situation has improved but it seems its still not completely gone. Some devices still only show all available apps a few hours after the enrollment. Deleting Play Store data seems to work again.
We will monitor further and report if the situation gets worse.
- TimHardyLevel 1.5: Cupcake2 years ago
There has been a big improvement since the fix was implemented however we are still intermittently experiencing this issue.
On demand apps take an extended time to populate and clearing the play cache is not resolving
- Alex_MucLevel 2.3: Gingerbread2 years ago
We also have an issue that might match what TimHardy is experiencing.
On many devices, Managed Google Play is not complete right after enrollment. Many approved apps do not appear in the collection, nor can they be searched for.
Apps can be installed via MDM successfully, but they still do not appear in Managed Play afterwards.
This problem solves itself after several hours.
In the original problem from the topic, only the App Collection was affected. This meant that apps could still be found and installed via search. In addition, the current problem only affects new enrolled devices. So the problem sounds similar, but seems to have a different cause.
- matsmLevel 2.0: Eclair2 years ago
Unfortunately there is no change on my end. Microsoft has gone silent in the support case as well
- rykerjnLevel 1.5: Cupcake2 years ago
In the process of moving from MobileIron to Intune. We are experiencing this issue right now. After completing the enrollment process, open the Play Store in the Work Profile, and no apps show. If you search for anything, then it will show the Intune app and Android System WebView. If you force close the Play Store, clear the data and reopen, then sometimes you will see the approved apps, but if you go to install an app, you can't and has a message of "This item isn't available."
If you retire the device, uninstall & reinstall Intune, and re-enroll, then everything works. Apps show up immediately and are installable.
Would like to hear if there are steps that can be taken to prior to enrollment to avoid this. Clearly this issue is not resolved.
- LizzieGoogle Community Manager2 years ago
Great to meet you, rykerjn, thanks for providing a little more information here. I've been highlighting the above back to our team, we could do with a bit more information though. I wonder have you or would you mind creating a support ticket with your EMM please, so they can provide us with a bug report?
Thanks so much,
- MoombasLevel 4.1: Jelly Bean2 years ago
Hi Lizzie ,
at which version is this fixed?
I have currently one store here where all devices missing one app in playstore:App: RagnCycle
Android: 13
MDM: Mobicontrol (App is listed in the agents own application list)
Playstore Version:
And there are no updates available/found by the device for playstore or other apps.
- LizzieGoogle Community Manager2 years ago
Hey Moombas,
Thanks for sharing you are experiencing something similar. This was fixed initially at the beginning of October on the latest version at that time.
I'm highlighting the comments here internally, but as you can see there are slight variables in all of the experiences above, so it could actually be something separate. I wonder would you mind reporting this via your EMM and then collectively we can get more information on this please?
Thanks again,
- MoombasLevel 4.1: Jelly Bean2 years ago
I'm still investigating but need feedback as this is specifically only one store and the app is only available in that country, so i can't test myself.
That was the reason i asked for a version so i can rule that issue out or focus on that. The country is told to do a reenrollment for testing if this ends up the same then I (as always) rise a ticket at the MDM.
- LizzieGoogle Community Manager2 years ago
Thanks everyone for the regular updates and testing here, it's really appreciated. I've been highlighting this to our engineers internally. Once I hear more I'll update you.
Thanks again,
- LizzieGoogle Community Manager2 years ago
Hey everyone,
It's Friday again! 😀
I have an update for you, our engineering team have been looking into this. Massive thank you to you all for your feedback and flagging this is happening. The good news is , we are currently in the process of validating a fix.
Do let me know how you are finding it on your side.
Thanks again,
- Alex_MucLevel 2.3: Gingerbread2 years ago
The fix seems to work. We have not been able to reproduce the problem since Friday. 😀
- thomasLevel 1.5: Cupcake2 years ago
Hi Lizzie
Thanks for the regular updates. We're still experiencing the same behavior in our environment. Is it possible that the issue isn't resolved yet?
We use Microsoft Intune as EMM, we created a ticket and they told us MS is currently resolving the issue with Google.
- LizzieGoogle Community Manager2 years ago
Hey thomas,
Great to meet you and welcome to the community. Thanks for the update here, I'm sorry to hear you are still experiencing this. I think as we have had quite a lot of confirmations from customers on the fix this had been deemed resolved now.
Having said this, we also have another very similar case that was opened prior to this, experienced by another customer here in the community, matsm. I was hoping the fix mentioned above, would also fix that issue and it hasn't been the case, so I'm wondering if perhaps it's similar to what you are experiencing. So that I can explore this further, I'll message you privately to get your Intune support ticket number if that's ok, then I can highlight your ticket internally.
Speak to you soon. Thanks again,
- LizzieGoogle Community Manager2 years ago
Great to meet you both. Thank you for sharing your update here, I really appreciate this.
If you have cleared your cache in your Play store and this is still not working, I imagine that this is the different issue that I mention in my response to Thomas above. Our engineering team are investigating this at the moment and when I have more information I'll share it with you all.
Thank you again and speak to you soon.
- thomasLevel 1.5: Cupcake2 years ago
Hi Lizzie,
Did your find anything for the issue we're experiencing?
Thank you,