[FIXED] Service Announcement: Available work apps missing in Managed Play Store on device

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Updated 12th October, 2023


Current status: Fix implemented


Issue description: We've received multiple reports that some approved apps are not displayed in the Managed Play store on devices.


Latest update:

Hello everyone,


Thank you for your patience and for your help to identify the problem. I've been informed by our Engineering Team that a fix has been implemented and those apps not displaying should now be visible. If you experienced this issue, please can I ask you to check if this has been resolved on your side? 


Massive thanks,


Android Enterprise Customer Community Team


Previous update:

Read more

Current status: Under investigation

We've received multiple reports that
 some approved apps are not displayed in the Managed Play store on devices.


Our Engineering Team is aware of the issue and actively working on a fix to address this. Unfortunately, they don't have an estimated time for when the issue will be resolved. We will continue to monitor this.


Please comment on this post or if you are a Partner please create a support ticket via the Partner Portal, if you have similar reports or have any questions/feedback.


Thank you for your patience on this.


Android Enterprise Customer Community Team

(Big thanks to @matsm and @TomMuc for reporting this in the community)


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Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hello everyone,


Just closing this thread now as this has been resolved and I want to prevent any potential confusion. If you are experiencing something similar, please explore the rest of the community to see if this is already been mentioned or please do create a new post here in the community. 


Thanks so much,


Welcome to the Community everyone!

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View solution in original post


Level 1.5: Cupcake

We are having this issue with Airwatch UEM where the Play Store is not showing apps. The apps are being installed/pushed if we utilize UEM.

Level 2.0: Eclair

Time to bring out the cake Lizzie


Got an email from Microsoft saying the adjusted something in the tenant, and we are now finally able to see available apps in the Managed Google Play Store again.

The solution was a combination of the Google team updating the Play Store app and apparently Microsoft had a custom tag of some sorts assigned to the tenant, they have now removed the custom tag and it all works again. 🎂🎉

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

This has literally made my day @matsm, this is fantastic news.🎇 I'm so pleased it is all sorted now and definitely a cake moment right now...🎂🎂🎂


Thank you so much for keeping us updated on the progress, hopefully this can help others if they are still experiencing this problem. 


Are you going to go wild with apps now? 😀


Thanks again,


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Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hello everyone,


Just closing this thread now as this has been resolved and I want to prevent any potential confusion. If you are experiencing something similar, please explore the rest of the community to see if this is already been mentioned or please do create a new post here in the community. 


Thanks so much,


Welcome to the Community everyone!

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