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Re: Can't open Samsung tablet default camera from the EMM application.
Issue fixed. Application was restricted with the Device policy manager. Problem was camera application is launched by another app but they launched Samsung default camera which package is not in allowed list, therefore user management blocked the application. Thanks for you reply.24Views1like0CommentsCan't open Samsung tablet default camera from the EMM application.
I have a EMM application where I want to configure the profile with some application like Play Seppo or Zoom. 1. From EMM application I have open a application like zoom or Play seppo 2. Now zoom or Play seppo need default camera [Samsung tablet camera] 3. When try to open camera application throw some error log like below Note: Also I can't open default camera app directly with the package name but others application I can. -> How can I get camera access for EMM application for secondary user and the others application? Error: Sending non-protected broadcast from system 1207:system/1000 pkg android Is there any security issue to open camera or how can I use samsung default camera in EMM application ?SolvedGoogle Play EMM API deprecating Installs app list api, what are the alternative?
Google play EMM API Deprecating api GET My application need to get the install apps list. Unfortunately, the api is providing the information is going to deprecated soon September 30, 2025. I am looking for the alternative provider which can give me the exactly same information[ install apps list]. If you have any idea or thoughts please share.Solved530Views0likes1CommentRe: How can I prevent a factory reset triggered by hardware buttons (Power + Volume) on an Android device?
This two setting is preventing the user while Enterprise application is running. But when user switch off the device and try to bring the reset option power + volume. In that situation user is able to reset device, that's means user restriction is not working after power off. The DISALLOW_SAFE_BOOT and DISALLOW_FACTORY_RESET settings are effective for preventing factory resets and safe boots initiated through the Android device's software interface, such as through the device settings. But this configuration is not effective for hardware buttons (Power + Volume keys). Not: Its prevent from user interface like android settings but not from hardware. Restrictions Applied correctly1.3KViews1like1CommentHow can I prevent a factory reset triggered by hardware buttons (Power + Volume) on an Android device?
I like to prevent my device from factory rest with hardware button (Power + Volume). I put two restriction for user not to reset device, those are not able to prevent the user from hardware reset. private val dpm: DevicePolicyManager by lazy { context.getSystemService( } dpm.addUserRestriction(adminComponentName, UserManager.DISALLOW_SAFE_BOOT) dpm.addUserRestriction(adminComponentName, UserManager.DISALLOW_FACTORY_RESET) How can I achieve this hardware reset restriction ?1.3KViews1like4CommentsCould not factory reset android 14 devices
Android 14 tablet(Samsung-SM-x210) could not perform the factory reset programatically. Others android version working fine. Got and error for admin user "SecurityException: java.lang.SecurityException: User 0 is a system user and cannot be removed".2.7KViews0likes4CommentsRe: Android Kiosks mode app restrict the system update installation.
I observe a behaviour of my device, device showing a notification device will automatically update like 12.15. Unfortunately, device not able to auto update and updated the notification with time 12.45 is new update time. Looks like device tries to install because I saw a notification that ready to install. Notification Image System notification3.7KViews0likes4CommentsRe: Android Kiosks mode app restrict the system update installation.
jasonbayton I put my device with window mode for 23 hours, But did not help to get update. One thing I would like to inform you that my device is continuously connected with my backend server to update the device is alive(Every minute a network communication is establish). Is there any issue for this activity that device never been idle and never get updated.3.7KViews0likes6CommentsAndroid Kiosks mode app restrict the system update installation.
I have an enterprise application with Kiosk mode. Android system update is downloading new android update(Like android 14 pending update) and ready for installation but did not install because my app is top of the system. I have configured my device policy to automatic update but system always postponed the update. My device is user admin. 1. How can I force system to install the update without notifying the user?3.8KViews0likes10CommentsRe: Google System updates not working on Enterprise devices
I am looking for Android system update like Android 13 has released for Android 12 devices. I can see from the settings that system update is ready to download and install. [installation process should work as automatic when new release is available].3.1KViews0likes4CommentsGoogle System updates not working on Enterprise devices
Application device policy is set Automatic update but did not instal the system update automatically. Seems like that system update is downloading but not processing for the installation. As my app is on kiosk mode therefore there is no manual way to install the update. Application is running two user one is admin user and another is secondary user. 1. Admin user 2. Secondary Device policy creating with the selection: pattern: String = "TYPE_INSTALL_AUTOMATIC" "TYPE_INSTALL_WINDOWED" "TYPE_POSTPONE" fun mapToPatternToSystemUpdatePolicy( pattern: String, startTime: Int?, endTime: Int?, 😞 SystemUpdatePolicy { // Device update policy if (pattern.contains("TYPE_INSTALL_AUTOMATIC")) { return SystemUpdatePolicy.createAutomaticInstallPolicy() } else if (pattern.contains("TYPE_INSTALL_WINDOWED")) { // Update windowed time is et minutes. if (startTime != null && endTime != null) { return SystemUpdatePolicy.createWindowedInstallPolicy( startTime, endTime, ) } } else if (pattern.contains("TYPE_POSTPONE")) { return SystemUpdatePolicy.createPostponeInstallPolicy() } return SystemUpdatePolicy.createAutomaticInstallPolicy() } Setup the policy in the : val updatePolicy = DevicePolicyMapper.mapToPatternToSystemUpdatePolicy( systemUpdatePolicy, startTime, endTime, ) dpm.setSystemUpdatePolicy(adminComponentName, updatePolicy) What can be the causes pretty unclear to me.Solved3.1KViews0likes8Comments